Thursday, December 30, 2010


We're still at the point where Christmas morning doesn't have to start at the crack of dawn. I think it was almost 10 before the boys came downstairs (we spent Christmas Eve with a group of friends, so the boys were awfully tired by the time we made it home). I had stayed up all night getting everything ready, so unfortunately we didn't get a lot of pictures, but it was a wonderful day. Will was excited that Santa had finally filled their stockings--every day he was looking and telling Ethan that Santa hadn't come yet. (The night before he was wondering why we were putting out cookies and milk for Santa: "Is Santa very hungry?") Ethan was so excited to finally see his pillow pet that morning under the tree. It was pretty cute, "Pillow Pet, Daddy!" We'd been in Fred Meyer the week before, and he was almost in tears asking for a pillow pet. Darn marketing department! That was also the evening that he was trying to open a Matchbox car in line, and I told him we had to buy it first. He said, "Okay" and tried to take a bite out of it. I guess bite made more sense than buy. Anyway, Christmas morning we started out by watching the First Presidency Christmas Devotional and ate cinnamon rolls and hot chocolate. By the time we started opening presents, it was already noon. We got part way through and once again, they were done. Ethan refused to open any more that day (I think it took 3 days to get through all of his), and Will just wanted to "tear the presents." He'd pull off the wrapping paper and move on without even looking. Some of their favorites were the Pillow Pets, a telescope, their doctor's kit (everyday they say they're going to "shot me"), all of their movies, and these awesome I Spy bags our sister-in-law Laura made. They loved everything of course, but those are the ones that stick out. The best by far was the bouncy castle we got them with money from Great-Grandma and Grandpa. They've always loved to bounce when ever we're at an even with one, and I found a great deal on this one, so we figured it would be wonderful to get out some energy while we're stuck inside these next few months. Every day Ethan tells me, "Jump bouncy castle! Come on Will!" and they head downstairs.

This is probably loud, so you might want to turn down 
the volume on your computer.
And it's kind of long--I figured mostly the grandmas 
would want to see it. :)

Christmas morning before the fun began. I guess that's why everyone looks so somber.

Not excited at all.

Opening presents from Santa

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