So, groundhogs are marmots, but since we don't have many groundhogs here, we have decided to encompass all species. Well, aren't we politically correct, Alaska? Unfortunately, he is not expected to make any weather predictions. I guess he doesn't feel the need, as there is no doubt that we will be having 6 (and more) weeks of winter. Perhaps Bill Murray can make a new "Marmot Day" movie, so we don't feel left out.
Nothing big happening up here, but I wanted to share some of the silly things the boys have been doing lately. Will has been pretty funny:
His favorite phrases are, "That's purty neat!" and "That's a awesome!" And anytime he leaves the house with Anthony, Will tells me, "Bye. I going to work."
He thinks a girl is called "a toot." We think maybe he's saying cute, but we have no idea where he got it from.
He told his first "joke" last Thursday. I was getting them down from the table after dinner, and Ethan started heading upstairs to play in his room. I was trying to get Will cleaned off, and I kept saying, "Ethan, stay downstairs!" because I was pretty sure the bathroom door was open, and he loves to play in the toilet. Instead of listening to me, he started laughing and crawling faster, but I couldn't let go of Will. So I just yelled, "Ethan!" again, and Will turned to me and said, "He a punk" and laughed. It made me laugh pretty hard because that's what we call them whenever they're being, well, punks.
He's still very obsessed with the movie Monsters, Inc., and we think he's imitating one part on the special features. There's a character named Roz, and in the "gag reel," she keeps appearing and saying, "Hello!" in unexpected places. Will loves to hide behind doors, walls, anything, and pop out and say, "Hewwo!"
Yesterday he was playing with Ethan in their own version of Peekaboo.
What is Peek-a-bookie?
Ethan is still being mischievous. I found him this evening in the laundry room, where he had learned a new trick.

He has even been practicing using a spoon by himself.

He has also gotten very good at imitating dinosaur sounds.
Those are our crazy boys. Every day is a new adventure. So, happy Marmot Day to all, and I hope your marmots are lucky enough not to see their shadows!
1 comment:
I LOVE Peekabookie. And Will just radomly popping out in his diaper "Hewwo." Ethan's got a pretty good dinosaur growl going on there too. Love those boys :)
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