Life's been pretty hectic for us the last few weeks. Anthony has had a lot of training exercises, so he's had not fun twelve hour days that last through the weekend. The boys and I are still working on unpacking and cleaning, although Will seems to be working more on repacking and tearing everything apart. I tried to make a Goodwill box of things we don't need, and I keep finding movies and toys that I know we want to keep. I'm sure I'll have to repack it before I drop it off or who knows what we'll be missing.
Anthony won a major award a couple weeks ago. And no, not a leg lamp like he was hoping (if you haven't seen the movie "A Christmas Story," we highly recommend it). He was called into the Master Sergeant's office, where he found three other Master Sergeants waiting to speak to him and he was told to shut the door. Usually that's not a good thing, but they assured him he wasn't in trouble. They were interviewing candidates for the Sharp Troop award, and he'd been nominated. The nominations are based on their outward appearance (a nice looking uniform and well groomed), knowledge of training and current events, and being a good worker. He found out last week that he had won, and part of his reward was to attend a speech by Secretary of Defense Robert "Bill" Gates, who was visiting our base. Anthony even got to shake his hand and get a picture with him and received a Secretary of Defense coin. Hopefully they'll send the picture to us so we can post it.
To make sure I have something to do instead of just visiting Target, we decided to become members of the zoo, and we've been able to go a few times. The first time we went, it was just the two boys and I, so that was an adventure in itself. We didn't know what to expect, but the zoo is pretty nice. It's set in among the trees, so it looks like you're in the middle of nowhere, except for the other people and the fact that the animals are in cages. The majority of the walkways are gravel, and I spent way more time than I wanted to getting Will to follow me instead of picking up every rock in sight and saying, "A rock!" as if there weren't 10 million rocks all around us. It took us a couple hours to see all of the exhibits, so by the end I was pushing the stroller and carrying a very tired boy uphill to the entrance. It also didn't help that near the end, Will had stuck his head in between some wooden posts on the bridge near the brown bear exhibit and had gotten really excited about the stream below us. He had his pacifier in his mouth--which he normally is not allowed to take outside of his crib, but we were trying to go to storytime and I thought he might need something to keep him quiet. When he opened his mouth to say "Wa-wa!," the pacifier became part of the exhibit. He promptly forgot this, and I spent the next 15 minutes trying to drag him out of the zoo while he was crying for Paci and searching all the pockets of the stroller because he thought I'd hidden it from him.
We decided to try the zoo again with Anthony on Monday because he got the day off for our anniversary, and we thought it would be fun for the kids. Our first anniversary we got to go for a nice dinner by ourselves, but now that it's our third, I guess times have changed. It was a really
beautiful day though, and we had a good time. Here are a couple of videos we took there. Will's getting closer to saying moose (before it was just moo, but now it's a little bit like mooth).
The moose at the zoo must not have been as scary to him as this one.
But given the chance, I'm pretty sure the one behind the fence would do more damage. We found out what the goats could do if they got close enough.
Poor Will. He seemed so interested in the goats until their playing got too rough. After that, anytime they came near him, he'd say "No" and start crying. I think it will be awhile before we visit the petting area again.
To make up for it, we got some cotton candy to share, which Will loved! We were a little worried about the price. It's Alaska, and the zoo, and summer, so we figured it must be pretty expensive, but the kids selling it must not have gotten the memo that it's tourist season and you're supposed to over charge for everything--it was only $1. They even asked whether we wanted small, medium or large. For the same price. We chose a large. Even if it was the size of a Volkswagen, we still would have chosen a large.

Ethan wanted to share a message with everyone too.
Last week Anthony and I gave each other our presents for our anniversary early (he never can wait). I got him a print of "The Prayer at Valley Forge," and he got me a new wonderful camera so I can take pictures of all of our adventures without having to worry about whether they'll turn out okay. Or work around the chocolate on the lens that I can't seem to get off. Our first video we shot was of Ethan trying rice cereal for the first time. He didn't do too bad with it.
Our boys are growing up fast. Every day Will figures out something new, and Ethan is ready to join his big brother. I can't believe how much they've changed in the few months we've been up here. Thank goodness we have the Internet to help close the gap. We miss all of you and love you!

I think it's totally funny he calls you monkey. I had to laugh and laugh. Do you have a double stroller. Maybe you could find one on Craigslist because I know for me, it makes outings like the zoo SOOOO much easier. Will is very funny and Ethan is beyond adorable. I really like your Homie G hat family picture too. It was very cute.
I was playing you videos with Gideon on my lap and he was laughing so hard at the one of Ethan laughing. I guess he understood the joke. Those boys are getting too big too fast. We miss you.
ok I always love when i see that you've posted a new blog because they make me laugh so hard! oh g'z! i was actually laughing out loud at work for a couple of the parts. I miss you guys so much! I can't believe how big the boys are getting. thanks for posting the videos, too. they are super cute!! love you all!!
Dad and I loved the videos especially the adorable matching shirts. Glad they both kept them clean at the same time! Thanks for posting this.
glad to see Ethan is giving you more time to get on the computer and post things. Its nice to see you are all doing so well. Haley was excited to hear WIll talk and she said "He's talking now?! He sounds so cute!" Jerod was excited to see them in action as well. Haley didn't understand why you were video taping Ethan eating... I tried to explain it to her, but I still don't think she understood. Keep up the posts!
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