While reading about our base housing in Alaska, I came across this sentence: "Elmendorf AFB has an abundance of bear, moose and other wild animals that are seen frequently in family housing areas." WHY are there wild animals on base? That was a major reason I wanted to live on base. There are walls around the base! How are these animals getting in?! Anthony said they must get in the same way we do, show their military id at the gate. So I guess I need to read the chapter in my book again about how to ward off bear attacks since apparently they're going to be coming after me in my own home. Another reason to keep Bob the cat inside. Although I think I'd like to see what she would do when faced with a moose.
Speaking of Bob, she's made her way back home. She'd been staying at my friend Tresanay's for awhile, where she was treated like she was at a luxury day spa compared to here. She came back with an assortment of dry and wet cat food, a box of toys, and bad habits--such as waking me up to be fed or wanting to get under the blankets at night. Not happening. I've already got a baby all over me; I don't need a cat too. I'm starting to feel like the king size bed is too small, and Anthony's not even here. Bob got to come home unexpectedly because we had a situation. A mouse had decided our home would be nicer to live in then outdoors. I think he feels differently now. I got the scare of my life--well, not really, the worst was several years ago when a mouse crawled up my arm while I was asleep--two weeks ago when I pulled the couch away from the wall to fix the cable cord and the mouse was wedged halfway up between the couch and the wall. It dropped to the floor and started running for the kitchen. I, on the other hand, had jumped onto the love seat and was trying, and failing, to remain calm. I somehow made it into the kitchen and grabbed a glue trap on the way, but then I saw it crawl into the barely open drawer under the stove, so I was up on a kitchen chair, trying to figure out if I could lob the trap across the room to the stove. I couldn't, so I bravely made my way over. But I didn't sleep well at all, and Bob was on her way home the next afternoon. Nothing happened for a few days, and then I caught something twice--Will. I tried to remember to put the traps away during the day, but I forgot one morning, and Will stuck his hand to one. For future reference for anyone else that may one day be in this same predicament, cooking oil works wonders at getting the glue to unstick. The next day he found the trap in the drawer that had peanut butter on it, and I found him with peanut butter all over his face and a big smile. So gross. But finally, a couple nights ago I caught the intended target. I heard a bang from the kitchen, and after getting up the nerve, I pulled back the drawer, and there was the mouse, completely freaked out and squeaking like crazy. So hopefully we're mouse free, and if not, I'm counting on Bob to take care of the rest.
I had some sad news from Anthony this week. They don't have enough instructors, so their classes are running a little behind, which means he'll be graduating a little later than planned. Maybe only a few days or a week, but even that's not sure. Not the news I wanted to hear, but we'll manage. I guess it gives us more time to get ready for the move.
I also did a search today to see what stores they have in Anchorage. I'm not a big shopper, but I'm used to living in a big city, so I wanted to see what was available, and I was pleasantly surprised--Target, McDonald's, Wal-Mart (2 of them), Baskin Robbins (Anthony will be thrilled. There are 5--how are there more of these than Wal-Marts?), Michaels, Jo-Ann Fabrics, Fred Meyer (kind of like Meijer), and 10 Starbucks (not that I care, but the more Starbucks there are, the more domesticated a place seems). I also saw that many places sell moose nuggets (yes, that is what you think it is) as souvenirs, including jewelry. I know what everyone's getting for Christmas this year!
As for the boys, Ethan is one month old today. It always goes too fast! He's been sick with a cold and had yucky eyes, so I haven't really gotten a lot of pictures. Will's still been very helpful, rocking him in his bouncy hair and stroking his head if he's upset. He also likes to put his forehead up to Ethan's--I think he's doing the head butt that Anthony taught him, but thank goodness he's gentle. Will also thinks it's hilarious to do things he shouldn't. He starts laughing uncontrollably if I tell him no and chase him away from whatever he's gotten into. I'm managing pretty well, although not getting enough time to do everything I need or want. Otherwise, I'm just living the dream. As long as the dream includes a hundred dirty diapers a week, endless crying, being covered in spit-up, multiple illnesses (one day we'll all be well enough to go church), and kids that won't sleep. It must though because we're still plugging along!
Thursday, January 22, 2009
Tuesday, January 6, 2009
Back to "Normal"
Things have finally started to calm down and get into a routine around here. Ethan's been home from the hospital for a week, and he's doing wonderfully. He's already more alert and looking around, and he's very scheduled as far as eating and naps go, which is completely different from how Will was (and is still). He even sleeps in his crib for the most part, but at night I either have to leave a light on or let him sleep next to me. Will is wonderful with Ethan. He likes it when I put Ethan in the car seat so he can rock it and sing to him. He also is constantly wandering over and kissing him or playing with his hands, and I keep finding toys in the crib that Will wants to share. The only issues we've had are that they both want to be held a lot--I'm getting really good at holding two kids at once!--and the fact that they have identical pacifiers, so Will thought we were giving his away. Now I find him once in awhile with one in his mouth, and one in each hand.
Anthony returned to Texas on Sunday, which is very hard on all of us, but most of all on Anthony and me. It was nice having everyone home together, and it's hard thinking that we won't be able to have that for several months. But that's our life now, so we're learning to deal with it. I'm also learning how to juggle taking care of both boys, and we're managing. We've had all of our meals on time, taken naps, cleaned the house, and gotten baths for both of them (I even found time to shower!). Will took his first bubble bath, and he of course had to taste the bubbles. He also learned to say "Uh-oh," so he's been using that one the last few days appropriately, when he's done something he shouldn't. I have to watch out for him because he's learned how to lock the doors, so I'm worried I'm going to be stuck outside one day. He locked Anthony in the garage, but at least I was here to open the door. I don't think I can convince Will to do the same.
Here are a few pictures from the last few weeks:
I so want to know what Will's thinking. I'm guessing it's along the lines of,
"Who does this guy think he's fooling?"

Anthony returned to Texas on Sunday, which is very hard on all of us, but most of all on Anthony and me. It was nice having everyone home together, and it's hard thinking that we won't be able to have that for several months. But that's our life now, so we're learning to deal with it. I'm also learning how to juggle taking care of both boys, and we're managing. We've had all of our meals on time, taken naps, cleaned the house, and gotten baths for both of them (I even found time to shower!). Will took his first bubble bath, and he of course had to taste the bubbles. He also learned to say "Uh-oh," so he's been using that one the last few days appropriately, when he's done something he shouldn't. I have to watch out for him because he's learned how to lock the doors, so I'm worried I'm going to be stuck outside one day. He locked Anthony in the garage, but at least I was here to open the door. I don't think I can convince Will to do the same.
Here are a few pictures from the last few weeks:

"Who does this guy think he's fooling?"

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