Today we attempted to apply for our passports for our "overseas" base. The sergeant who was helping us actually filled in the question on the form that asked what country we were visiting with Alaska. I hope they don't think I'm filling out the form. ALASKA IS NOT ANOTHER COUNTRY! We spent two and a half hours there, but they still need more paperwork, so it's up to Anthony to track down what we need. The boys were not very happy by the time we left, but I don't know why Will was complaining. Everyone was giving him crackers and suckers, plus when he tired of the box of toys they had, he ran around dumping out jars of paper clips and trying to make calls on the sergeant's phone. He was also VERY excited about the large concrete balls outside as decorations. He started yelling, "Ball, Ball!" and running--if you can count it as running. He's learned several new words, including baby (baba), basketball (baball), and please (although I can't spell his version), and he can point to most of the parts of his body if you ask him too. We had fun visiting with my old roommates on Sunday, and he was even converted to be a Cubs fan, which will make Matt and Heilit, and Great-Grandma and Grandpa happy.
Ethan's growing bigger every day. He's up to 9 pounds 6 ounces, although he spits up so much I don't know how he's gaining weight. Both of us change outfits multiple times a day or just give up and decide to be stinky. Every day I think he gets a little cuter.
He's starting to look a bit like Will, but he definitely has his own look too. If that makes any sense. The debate continues, so I thought I'd let everyone else decide. Will's on the left and Ethan's on the right:

Anthony's still working hard at tech school, but he's ready to be done. Life isn't very exciting outside of class, and it's hard to be away from us. I'm hoping that Ethan and I can go down and visit this weekend. We're down to about 10 weeks before we officially head off to our next adventure! I'm sure it will be here before we know it.